What People Say
Simplifying Fractions
Comparing Fractions
Least Common Denominator
Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
Adding/Subtracting Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Free printable worksheets
Practice over 100 different problems
Check your answers with the answer key
"As someone who struggled in math, I found it helpful in understanding simple fractions. Also, I could pass this book along to another teacher for the worksheets. "
La'Shana Kirksey
"I have struggled with fractions during school and when my kids were in elementary school this would have been such a huge help. The examples and practice problems are clear and concise and with the answer key available you can check your work. Definitely will use for the grandkids!"
Laurie Cline
"This book makes learning fractions fun for kids! It's just what kids need now, especially as many struggle with math during a very stressful year during the pandemic. I bought it for my friends' daughter, so she can practice and get ahead of the curve for next year. I also really like the graphics and colors used in the book. Overall, great book!"
Kari Thomson
"This is a great additional resource to help educators and parents teach fractions! I enjoyed the order of the book, the cute visuals and the colorful tables."
Melinda Arnost, Author Empowering Inclusion
How To Use This Guide:
"Glad I found PicScience to help reintroduce fractions for my daughter! She's fallen behind during the pandemic and Fractions for Beginners teaches her what she needs to know to move forward. Its simple explanations with easy to decipher pictures and charts make the process even easier. Also, the quizzes reinforce what has been learned and ensure a complete understanding of the concepts. Great book to include in your learning library."
Christie Ashley
"Because of how often we moved and the places we lived, I had huge holes in my math education. Fractions was one of the hardest hit parts. The simple explanations and relatable visuals would have been such a huge help. Recommend this as supplemental material to help children understand fractions. Would recommend as review material for older students who might be struggling with the concepts. Fractions, like Algebra are in our daily lives. It is important to have a strong understanding - Fractions for Beginners can help with that understanding"
Leslie Davis