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The cell cycle is a complex process that leads to the production of 2 identical daughter cells.

Cell surface receptors can regulate the cell cycle.

In eukaryotes, the cell cycle can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. Interphase- cell growth, accumulation of nutrients needed for mitosis, preparation for cell division and duplication of DNA

  2. Mitosis- cell splits itself into 2 distinct daughter cells


  • G1 - cell growth, protein production

  • S phase- DNA synthesis, DNA replication

  • G2 - cell prepares to divide, new organelles form


  • Prophase

  • Metaphase

  • Anaphase

  • Telophase

The result of mitosis is two identical cells produced through cytokinesis, division of the cell cytoplasm. The cell cycle can be regulated by a number of signaling components, such as JAK STAT.

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